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The AGU2007 team, back at the Quality Inn after accompanying the group to the airport. It's hard to believe it is over!
But not over completely, because I am looking forward to meeting you in cyberspace! Here's how to stay connected with your AGU in America friends, teachers, mentors, and predecessors:
1. Join our Yahoo Group. If you don't yet have an account with Yahoo, you will have to create one (sorry). Don't forget to write down your username and password! You can choose whether to receive posts as emails (recommended) or to check the website from time to time. Once you join the group (click on "Join This Group" and wait to be approved as a member), you can post messages or respond to others' messages. Check the Calendar for upcoming birthdays and AGU chats at Tapped In. You can upload photos and documents, too! (Remember that my tips on using Blogger are already in the Files section of the YG.)
2. Come to my office at Tapped In to chat with me and other AGU in America friends. When I set a date for a chat, I will post a message to the YG, post it to the YG calendar, send a reminder one day in advance to the YG, and post a note in NinaTL_ofc. The only excuse for not being there is if you have to go to work! Remember: to get to my office, click on the Online tab, select my name or anyone who is in NinaTL_ofc, and click on the open door at the bottom. If you have any problems, there is usually a helpdesk volunteer in Reception who can help you. Don't forget to detach the chat screen and enlarge the type! Our first chat is scheduled for (in Japan) 11 a.m. September 29. (That's 10 pm September 28 in the Washington area.)
3. Keep posting to your blog! After you get home and have had a chance to rest up, I hope that you will post some reflections about your experience in the United States--what you have learned (about the country, the people, and perhaps about yourself...), and what you think about it all. After that, you can use your blog as a kind of online diary to share your experiences at home in Japan. It's a great way to practice writing and thinking in English! Reading the blogs of others is good for improving your reading, too. You can subscribe to your favorite blogs at Bloglines or another aggregator. Don't forget to leave a comment! Most bloggers enjoy getting feedback for their posts.
This is my last post. Thanks to all of you for reading and commenting on this blog. It will always remind me of the wonderful days we spent with AGU in America 2007!