On Thursday, after Shirley's class we traveled by metro downtown to the InterAmerican Development Bank, where Ms. Hiroko Miyakawa, a Public Information Officer at the Bank, had organized a full schedule for us: lunch at the IDB cafeteria (I had pupusas con queso, a Salvadoran dish I have long wanted to try--delicious, with rice, beans, and salad); a briefing which included presentations by Hiroko (in English) and two of the IDB's specialists, Mariko Russell and Ichiro Toda (in Japanese)--with a welcoming speech by the Executive Director for Japan, Mr. Tsuyoshi Takahashi; and a tour to the opulent Board Room and the IDB Cultural Center, where we saw an interesting exhibit by nine artists from Costa Rica. Afterwards, most of the group opted to stay downtown and visit a museum, and Yuka and I went back to College Park. It was a great afternoon! I missed having class with my bloggers, though.
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Hi, Nina. How are you?
First of all, I can easily guess the program of this year make the good start with watching this blog!! And kids of this year look really being enjoying the days in the place. At the same time, the photos clearly remind me of the days in there last year. And I’d like to make the comments on this blog or the kids’ blogs as possible as I can!
Anyway, I really hope the everything of the program goes well like last year.
Take care your health as well as kids (because now the Maryland is really hot, right?) see yah!
Dear AGU students
Hey guys! Nice to meet you.
I'm Hiro.
I also joined this program in last year. Now, I'm "junior" of AGU International politics major.
Well, I think the experiencies in Marland won't just only improve the skills of English conversation
but also your visions against the various things.
So, keep enjoying the days in there and make the grate memories.
Besides, you can comments on my blog established in last year like you guys (^^)
Keep enjoying!
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