Today we took our first trip to D.C. We started at Union Station for dinner in the food court and some light shopping. The food court offered a lot of options, and some of the guys went for the familiar sushi. After dinner there was a LOT of picture taking and a monument tour. After over an hour of walking we ended up back at the metro. Many students were so exhausted by the end that they fell asleep on the train. I counted 15 of the 19 asleep at one point. Fortunately I took the opportunity to take pictures, I hope no one minds! :)
Hello, Sophia!
I was surprised to see almost everyone on the pictures fall asleep! Have all of them suffered from jet lag, or they're just tired? I'm not sure, but I hope they'll learn to get the second wind!
Anyway, it's great to be able to see what the participants of this year are doing now by taking a look at this blog! Please keep me updated. ^^
See you soon~!
I am sure jet lag has something to do with it, but we really worked them hard today! They must have been really tired.
Hi Hiromi! Yes, I do remember talking to you in the online chat. I think it is great that you are still doing your blog and staying updated with this year's group.
Hello, all,
I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time in the US and learn a lot with Nina, our dear friend. Blog, tell us about your impressions, keep records of what will be soon just great memories of a wonderful trip! Have fun. I'm waiting for your stories.
Beijos from a Brazilian in the US,
Carla Arena
Hello, everyone.
What a full day you all must have had! I wasn't at all surprised to see so many of you sleeping on the bus!
Jet lag is difficult enough when you're just traveling, but when you have a full agenda after arriving, it's much more of a challenge!
Enjoy your stay in the U.S. I know Nina-sensei will make it a very memorable experience for all of you!
Best wishes!
Dennis in Phoenix
(an online colleague of Nina-sensei's)
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